MeTime Living is a 12-week-program based on daily habits guiding you towards living in synch with your circadian rhythm. The habits cover life style, diet and stress management leading towards living and ageing with more vitality and ease.

The habits are anchored in the ancient wisdom of yoga and Ayurveda (which means knowledge of longevity), are validated by research and are updated to support modern living. The habits have been taught to hundreds of people around the world leading to lives of transformation. 

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Metime Living is a 12 week lifestyle protocol where we give laser focus to each of the habits for a week to learn, implement and live them.

Aristoteles says ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.’

Each week, you will be guided to come up with a tiny commitment which will get you closer to your health goal and eventually automate your habits.

You will be doing the habits in your own time, according to your body type and your schedule.

Why 12 weeks, if it is 10 habits

We add a week for orientation at the beginning and a week for reflection at the end.

The approach

We use behavioural science.

We are not using willpower and we are not using discipline - as both are not long term strategies and might leave us feeling frustrated - instead, we use very small steps which are easy to repeat (Kaizen approach) along with other principles following behavioural psychology.

Imagine if you could reach your body goal and create long term daily habits. Those habits will take care of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and you will simply feel good.

The Metime Living program includes:

✓ live weekly Zoom calls (and recordings)

✓ an abundance of course materials through an online hub, full of video tutorials, classes, workbooks and exercises

✓ 5 recorded yoga classes
(around 60 minutes each)

✓ a pass to a 12 day virtual cleansing reset course with short daily videos

✓ a personal guide who helps you implement what you have learnt (that’s me) and who will be your accountability partner

✓ trouble-shooting sessions when needed

Information does not equal transformation.

This program is not about …

… overloading you with more information.

Most things you already know and some things you already do.

But this program is mainly about …

… doing the habits according to your body type, your schedule, your personal circumstances.

‘We don’t need more information, we need help with implementation, with doing the things we know.’

This is why you are here.

The habits are a manual how to optimally operate the sacred technology we have been given. We attune to the circadian rhythm our biology is designed to follow. 

Your daily choices heal or undermine you, they create your future self. Your habits determine if you live your life feeling stressed, over-scheduled and depleted or connected, relaxed and energetic.

Metime Living Program

Metime Living Program

The idea is to do most of the habits, most of the time with a B- approach.

Now, ask yourself which habit you are missing…

  • Habit 1 | Earlier, Lighter Dinner

    Closing the kitchen between 6 and 7 pm and not snacking afterwards allows your body to digest before sleep, leaving your body refreshed in the morning. When you give your body a break from digestion during late night hours, it can focus on cell regeneration and you wake up feeling more energised.

  • Habit 2 | Earlier to Bed

    Aim to be in bed with lights out by 10 pm, if you want to feel rested the following day. Sleep is not an optional life style luxury, it is a non-negotiable biological necessity. It is your life support system. 

    When you are sleep deprived, you aggravate your inner ‘housekeeping systems’ which need 7/8 hours of sleep to function.

  • Habit 3 | Start the Day Right

    Take advantage of the time before daylight and begin your day with drinking lots of water, followed by a proper elimination. This allows you to move forward through the day with more clarity and ease.

  • Habit 4 | Breath Body Practices

    The yogis are passionate about breath and there is a reason for it. 

    Check out the trajectory of your day, when you do some conscious breathing in the morning and when you connect to your body with some movement before the mind takes over.

  • Habit 5 | Eat more plant based

    This is not about becoming vegan, but about adding more plants to your diet. When you primarily eat a whole foods plant-based diet you might not only experience weight loss and energy gain, but research shows that eating more whole plant foods and fewer animal products can help prevent or reverse chronic inflammation - the root cause of many of today's severe diseases.

  • Habit 6 | Self Massage

    Give yourself a massage to reestablish your connection to your body and experience self love. No, this is not selfish or self-indulgent, it is essential for you to thrive and to be a loving presence in this world. Soothing touch promotes relaxation and regulates your nervous system.

  • Habit 7 | Sitting in Silence

    This is not about stopping thoughts, but recognising that we are more than our thoughts. 

    We have a choice not to identify with them, to not follow them and to not believe them. 

    We become more skilful in the role of the observer and learn to hover more gracefully over our thoughts and emotions.

  • Habit 8 | Healthier Eating Guidelines

    Spacing your meals and reducing snacking helps your stomach to contract after expansion. 

    It helps with weight management, stabilises your mood and energy and makes your metabolism more efficient. 

    Give your body time to digest before you eat again and it will thank you by cleaning house in between.

  • Habit 9 | Take Care of Your Senses

    Be a vigilant gate-keeper what you invite into your body through your senses. Everything you take in, needs to be digested.

    And enable your senses to last a lifetime. We all want to hear, see, smell and taste well as we get older. Don't let your sense organs devitalise prematurely.

  • Habit 10 | Easeful Living

    Flip your switch from stress to ease. Our nervous system is not designed to cope with longer periods of stress. Key physical functions are down-regulated when we experience stress (e.g. your immune system). Orient yourself towards ease through your daily commitments, passions, and responsibilities. When we feel depleted and over-scheduled, we have to prioritise this habit.

And while all this information is hopefully helpful for you to know, it is useless, if we don’t apply it.

Metime Living is about doing it.